Full Service Social Media Marketing

How To Better Your Content Curation Strategy

Michelle Zaporojets

March 31, 2017

So you've officially set up shop on all social platforms - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, you name it! Now it's time to spend some time considering what you're going to share on these platforms, and how often. However, this isn't as simple as you might think it is - especially when you're just starting out.

Besides sharing business sales posts (which you can do sparingly), it's important to mix it up with industry-related curated content. But what is curated content?

Curated content is the process of sorting through and finding different pieces of content that relate to your brand. The great thing about this is that you don't have to create any new content because someone's already built it for you!🙌

Hot tip #1: Don't get carried away. You might be tempted to flood your entire newsfeed with curated content, because hey, it means less work for you! But if you're solely sharing other people's content, you're never getting your own name out there. Imagine all the people who could be sharing YOUR content. Find the ideal mix through testing and retesting.

Hot tip #2: What types of content will work best? A great place to look for recommendations is to look at your competitors. See what's working for them and what's not. What types of content are their followers engaging with the most?

Hot tip #3: Add your own voice. Don't make it all robotic just by posting the title of the article/blog and the link. Remember to add a little bit of flair to your post by adding your own opinions, or just a sentence introducing the article that will catch your followers' attention!

Hot tip #4: Make sure your content is as visual as possible - posts with a photo attached are almost always more effective than simple text-based posts. Even with curated content, simply save the main photo in the article to your computer and attach it onto your curated content post. Watch the engagement soar!

Hot tip #5: Tag the original content creator in your post. This will help you build relationships with other brands and individuals that will, hopefully soon, be sharing YOUR content too!

All in all, curated content is great! It also shows your followers that you're not ALL about the sale - you want to give them VALUE which is key when trying to grow your follower base. Now, there are definitely some best practices that vary from channel to channel that you should consider as well. Try to get some guidance on this by tuning into social media resources - such as blogs, webinars, or other social channels. Also, try researching into the brands whose content YOU love to engage with and brainstorm from there!

Do you have any other hot tips and tricks for content curation? Tweet us - we'd love to hear them!


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