Full Service Social Media Marketing

Sociables: Social Media Stuff Our Team Is Chatting About

Tessa May Marr

August 4, 2017

We've said it once, and we'll say it again. Social media - this industry we're in - is CONSTANTLY changing on us. New networks, new best practices and new algorithms are constantly popping up to blind side us social media professionals and kick us on our butts. So to keep our social feeds from failing, we have to stay super tuned in.

We have a Slack channel called #thingstomakeussmarter where we all share the most recent blogs and updates we find with big news. Here's the skinny on what we're talking about behind the scenes at Mad Media lately.

How to Legally Repost User-Generated Content on Instagram

User-generated content makes for a great addition to your brands Instagram story. And the best part... you don't have to spend time (and money!) creating it yourself! But you've gotta protect your brand by following the rules of re-purposing.

Best Times Of The Day To Tweet

Buffer shared this gem of a chart with us. Now, it's going to differ from brand to brand and industry to industry, but here's some data to scope!

Apple Previews New Emoji Coming Later This Year

New emojis might not be breaking news everywhere - but in our industry - this stuff is big! We're already marking our calendars and planning content for when these babies get rolled out. (All part of the job!)

Video on Facebook is key! But how can YOU improve results? 5 tips to increase video views, shares & engagement

Buffer, at it again with great stuff. We know video is THE thing to be doing on social these days (which is why we shared some of those free video editing tools in our last blog). We love this video example on ways to improve your video play!

Restaurant brings in Instagram kits so you can nail your #foodporn shots

How wild is this?! Well, super relevant for any brands in the food industry. Social is happening everywhere - even at the dinner table!

LinkedIn Begins Offering Video. Here Are the Top 2 Reasons Marketers Are Excited

Video... there it is again! LinkedIn is finally jumping on the bandwagon and working it into their platform and we're stoked about it. And they've got a few other big updates coming down the line as well....

That's all for now! Tune in next month for more behind the scenes chatter from our team of rockstars.


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