Full Service Social Media Marketing

7 Free Resources That Every Social Media Manager Should Have In Their Back Pocket

Alanna Poole

October 20, 2017

FREE! I love seeing that word. In the vast and ever expanding online world, it can be difficult to locate the resources you need to execute a social media marketing plan. Here at Mad Media, we have compiled a list of 7 FREE resources that will make the job of a Social Media Manager a whole lot easier… and less expensive.

Hootsuite Resource Library

Hootsuite has a library full of free resources that readers can look back on when they need a bit of inspiration or direction. Some of the best freebies include: a social media strategy template and advice on how to build a social following.

Days Of The Year Calendar by Mad Media

Our team of Social Media Rockstars here at Mad Media have created a calendar for all those special days of the year -- some serious, some not so serious. These days can be used as inspiration for content on all social media platforms, and can increase your reach by using that trending hashtag.

Smart Sheet Templates

Smart Sheet has created social media templates for Excel that can be real time savers for Social Media Managers. Some of the templates include strategy and planning, content calendars, influencer marketing, and auditing and reporting.

Twitter Headline Templates

There is a lot of traffic on Twitter and it is important to keep tweets new and fresh. However, coming up with new copy can be hard on the brain! Buffer Social has created a number of easy to use Twitter templates. You just plug in your copy and go!

Chrome Extension: Social Analytics

The Social Analytics extension for Chrome can be a total lifesaver when tracking social media stats in real time. This extension can help you track what is being shared on your own social media accounts as well as your competitors. This information is essential to help you understand what’s working, what’s not and what else is out there so you can optimize.


Many employees working in social media are fortunate to work from home. Here comes in Slack, a tool used to communicate with others working in a virtual office. Slack simplifies communication by organizing conversations in a shared workplace. We use it everyday here at Mad Media and honestly can’t remember what life was like before it came along!


Planoly is a visual planner for Instagram. This tool nicely lays out and previews your Instagram posts so you can get a sense for how your feed is gonna feel. (Check out our blog on how to create a thumb stopping instagram feed http://ow.ly/o40530fWvVA) And it allows you to schedule posts ahead of time, so you can get your work checked off ahead of time and avoid missing days. They have a mobile app too so you can post directly from your Smartphone!

Now, sharing is caring, friends! These companies share these free tools with us, we’ve shared them with you here and now it’s up to you to share with your Twitter-sphere and... SHARE THE LOVE! #MadLove

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