Full Service Social Media Marketing

12 Valuable Tips For Social Media You Need To Know

Casey Mathison

December 29, 2017

This past month our team participated in a super festive project titled; 12 Tips For Christmas. We did something we haven’t done before, our remote team all took to our Instagram Stories and shared some of our favourite social media marketing tips.

12 Tips for Social Media

Missed it? Don’t fret, we’ve got it all summarized here for you.

Sad you missed seeng our faces? We’ve got you. It’s all saved to our highlight reel on our Instagram. Don’t forget to give us a follow and leave a comment telling us the blog sent you!

With no further ado, here are Mad Media’s 12 Tips For Christmas:

1. Use Hootsuite to keep yourself organized and schedule content for many platforms ahead of time. But don’t “set it and forget it”, once your content goes live be sure to engage with your audience in real time.

Brought to you by Alanna from Victoria, BC

2. Twitter is a super fast moving social network, so schedule 5-6 tweets a day. Be prepared to create content quickly, and utilize hashtags to really broaden your audience reach.

Brought to you be Alanna from Victoria, BC

3. It’s important to track your growth and engagement on social media. Both should be increasing at the same rate. If not, you have a problem. Are you targeting the wrong audience? Sharing the wrong content?

Brought to you be Alanna from somewhere on the Coquihalla

4. Instagram has recently rolled out some fun new features. You can now follow hashtags, just like you would follow a user. You can also now save your favourite stories to your profile. Just like we did with our 12 Tips of Christmas! Find the tutorials on our Instagram.

Brought to you be Casey from Chestermere, AB

5. Pinterest is a visual search tool, and you need to be active all day/every day on the platform. Our team uses Tailwind to stay organized, and to analyze really valuable analytics about our audiences.

Brought to you be Casey from Banff, AB

6. Great content to pin on Pinterest is your own products, your blogs with a beautiful image attached so people click and any other content your company puts out. But don’t just post your own content, share relevant pins that your audience will relate to. We like to share 30-40 pins a day, and at least 5 of those pins should be your own, original content.

Brought to you be Casey from Lake Louise, AB

7. What do you do when shit hits the fan? React FAST; this is why it’s important that someone is always monitoring your accounts closely. Don’t ignore it; don’t pretend it didn’t happen, you need to address your audience. And finally, use humility or humour when appropriate. Your audience wants to see authenticity.

Brought to you be Tessa from Penticton, BC

8. How do we use social at live events? Twitter is great for following event hashtags, and sharing key takeaways for anyone that’s not attending. Facebook Live is an awesome tool to broadcast speaker sessions to your audience and Instagram Stories can provide a sneak peek of what's happening behind the scenes.

Brought to you be Tessa from Penticton, BC

9. Video is highly valued in Facebook and Instagram algorithms. If you don’t have a video creator on your team, www.video.online-convert.com is a handy tool to convert videos for you to share across social.

Brought to you be Michelle from Boston, MA

10. Increase your blog reach! Share your blog across all social channels and include relevant hashtags, send the blog to your mailing list, DM anyone who has been featured in the blog so they can share with their networks, have your team share on their own personal networks, schedule your blog post periodically - don’t just share it once, and finally - share the blog within relevant Facebook groups.

Brought to you be Michelle from Boston, MA

11. 3 methods you should not be using on social media anymore. 1) less is more, we now only have 3 seconds to make an impression so cut down on text and focus on visuals. 2) Don’t be everywhere at once, focus on 2-3 social networks. 3) Organic growth is HARD. Put some dollars behind Facebook advertising to really make an impact.

Brought to you be Michelle from Boston, MA

12. Make social media a team sport. It’s really tricky to conquer it on your own and to stay creative. Our team brainstorms ideas, tag-teams engagement shifts and shares the workload.

Brought to you be Tessa from Penticton, BC

Did you find this helpful? Does social still seem overwhelming to you? Let us know, we can help!

#socialmediamanagement #socialmedia #instagram #InstagramStory #facebooklive #facebook #Facebookadvertising #pinterest #hootsuite #tailwind #video #contentmarketing #scheduling #socialmediatools #Facebookgroups #team #remoteteam #tips

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