Full Service Social Media Marketing

What I Learned Live Tweeting The Golden Globes

Alanna Poole

January 12, 2018

This years #GoldenGlobes2018 was a night to remember. However, the star of the show wasn’t the nominated movies and television shows, it was the message of hope and change inspired by the #MeToo, #WhyWeWearBlack, and #TimesUp movements. And throughout this momentous evening I was live tweeting the action on behalf of Mad Media.

Now, why would a social media marketing company want to live tweet the Golden Globes? Well, this years event was a prime example of why you can’t pre-plan every post. Sometimes you need to be there, in the action, catching everything as it is happening in real time. And if you are (and your creative juices are flowing), you can do some pretty cool things. Check out these examples from previous events:

If you were living under a rock and missed this, you can read the full story here.

Another brilliant example:

In our previous blog titled How To Live Tweet An Event, we discussed why it is important to review everything prior to the start of the event to. I prepared for the Golden Globes by reviewing: the list of nominees, the recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Award, the trending hashtags, and the twitter handles for the celebrities in attendance. Therefore when Oprah won the award I was ready to congratulate her:

However, since I was watching the events unfold I was also able to quote Oprah’s speech live on Twitter:

Obviously, it is impossible to quote someone before they have said something (unfortunately I’m not psychic); so scheduling would not have been an option here. But I also didn’t have to wait until the next day or our next content meeting to put something together and share. By then, it would have been old news.

I was able to stay in the conversation by using the Hootsuite dashboard. During the Golden Globes I followed the hashtags: #GoldenGlobes2018, #GoldenGlobes, #WhyWeWearBlack, #MeToo, and #TimesUp. These hashtags gave me lots of great content to retweet like:

I can’t make a GIF in 10 seconds, so retweeting worked perfectly in this situation, allowing our followers to see one of the funniest moments of the night!

Now tweeting award shows is not something we do on a regular basis. However, we do live tweet at events, webinars, and conferences. One of our clients, Allocadia, has seen huge benefits in their reach at events by integrating social. People became aware of the company before the event and continued to engage with Allocadia after via social media. Learn more in our Case Study on Allocadia.

Another great example was when our team attended Social Media Week in L.A. last June. As we live tweeted the event, our company logo was seen by conference goers on the large screens featuring live tweet streams. During this even alone our Twitter account had 201% growth in profile visits, 248% growth in mentions, 227% growth in retweets, and 54% growth in replies. All of this growth was from us writing our conference notes on twitter for our followers to see!

Planning a company event or booked to exhibit at one in 2018? How much thought have you given to integrating social? We’d love to hear more about it and offer some suggestions on how social can help amplify your reach and continue to add value after the crowds have gone home. Trust us, we will make your brand stand out! So go on, click to learn more.

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