
Full Service Social Media Marketing

The Power of PR

Michelle Zaporojets

February 23, 2018

"If I only had two dollars left, I'd spend one dollar oN PR." - Bill Gates

Bill Gates is a smart man - no wonder he's had so much success! As one of the most powerful methods of marketing, public relations (PR) stands at the top amongst social media and email marketing for small businesses. And yet, so few companies understand what PR is nor what it can bring to the table (aka, their business).

And if you're one of those business owners - helloπŸ‘‹ as a PR rockstar, I'll tell you the values of PR in the easiest, quickest way possible.


Similar to social media marketing, PR is first and foremost about getting your name out there - because how else are your customers going to find you? Whether you're placed in national magazines, Ellen's 12 Days of Giveaways, or even in the background of a Beauty YouTuber's video - PR is effective for any brand.

In fact, I was recently able to place our client, Sathi Retreats, in a YogaJournal article ("13 Yoga Retreats You Can Actually Afford in 2018"). While it might seem unfortunate that they were placed 9th on the slideshow (since many people doze off after a few clicks into the article nowadays), nonetheless their website traffic skyrocketed 427% after the publication date. The article still continues to gain them 200% more traffic on average, even weeks after it came out! Sathi Retreats is obtaining their target market from YogaJournal - potential customers that likely would not have known about them if it wasn't for this article.


Getting your business consistently mentioned in various publications builds credibility within your industry and allows you to generate leads (yes, PR can be a lead generation strategy!).

Psychologically, when a product is published in a magazine or credible news source, readers will find more validity and typically will feel more inclined to buy it. However, this isn't always the case!

Have you ever heard the saying "all PR is good PR"? I'm shutting that down ASAP and saying that's 100% wrong! PR is about targeting specific audiences and your ideal customers, just like with any marketing effort! You shouldn't be getting your name out there just for the sake of it, but really targeting your ideal customers/clients and generating some real leads.

For example, let's say our CEO, Tessa May Marr, gets quoted in a reliable news source. If she's quoted talking about the latest trend in home decor, chances are we're not reaching the audiences that's relevant to our social media marketing agency. On the other hand, if she's quoted talking about the latest marketing trends, she's not only reaching the right audience (with potential clients!), but also building credibility within the marketing industry!

P.S. This actually happened in a recent Forbes article!πŸ™Œ Don't you instantly find us more credible now with a Forbes quote behind our name?

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"71% of business owners say their marketing dollars are best spent on PR." - Inc. 500

Now, the one downside to PR, and the part that makes most business owners skeptic, is that there is no surefire way to track conversions - especially when you're placed in print publications with no link-backs to your site. But while PR doesn't necessarily always provide your business with direct sales, if's showing your potential customers that your business is reputable and ultimately supporting your marketing efforts.

Bonus: it's free content for you to share with your followers!

For one of our clients, we've achieved over 140 placements in the last 12 months in publications such as InStyle Magazine, USA Today, CTV, and Brit + Co. On a monthly basis, we're working to get our client's product placed in a variety of mediums, from print to social media posts; ultimately reaching more eyes and customers.

InStyle Magazine PR

If your product is constantly showing up in front of your target audience, chances are they'll eventually become a customer (or a die-hard fan of yours!). Just think of it as a Facebook retargeting ad - you'll come across it once, and then see it again, and again, and again... until you bite the bullet and make a purchase.

On a similar note, PR moves fast. It's never a one-stop shop and you're done. One day, a PR article will boost your traffic by 10X, but in two days, you'll likely be back down to your normal traffic range. You'll have to constantly be working on getting placements to truly benefit from steady traffic boosts - same with any other marketing strategy!

In theory, PR is a super cost-effective method to getting your brand out in the media. You can DIY it and keep costs to $0/month (insider tip: you NEVER pay for magazine placement), or save your valuable time and hire a rockstar to do it for you. If you're looking for a consistent PR strategy, let's chat - we can definitely help you!

#entrepreneur #publicrelations #socialmediamanagement #marketing

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