Full Service Social Media Marketing

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Social Media Agency (Over an Intern!)

Alanna Poole

April 12, 2018

We hear way too often that businesses are leaving their social media presence in the hands of their intern. This has to stop! (No offence to interns! I would even say it’s okay to get them involved in social media. But they shouldn’t be responsible for it.) You might think… umm why? A millennial straight out of college lives and breathes social media, don’t they? Who better? But if you plan to get the most out of your social media (as you should), you should be working with a team of experts who understand more than just how to post a killer bathroom selfie on Instagram. Here’s 5 good reasons why.

  1. We’ve Been Doing This Awhile Now. Some members of our team started working in the social media space back in 2012 (before Instagram Stories was even a thing!). We’ve seen new platforms emerge and either grow to captivate new audiences, or die sad, unfortunate deaths (RIP Vine!). We’ve seen how quickly and relentlessly this space changes and I know what it takes to keep up to date with the new. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it sure is exciting!
  2. We’ve worked with many different brands in different industries. Our CEO started in social working with her own brand; an organization she used to own and operate called Gluten Free Calgary. They grew a large and engaged community to share resources and support for anyone living gluten-free in Calgary or beyond. She was then able to activate that community to launch a subscription box product that generated a sustainable revenue model, as well as entice strategic partnerships and sell website advertising. An engaged community is valuable! Since then, we’ve expanded beyond this to work with B2B and B2C brands in marketing technology, fitness, education, medicine, and consumer-packaged goods as well. What we learned is that each brand and industry needs a unique strategy to accomplish their specific goals and objectives on social media. And we know how to build one.
  3. We’ve got proof we’re awesome. You don’t have to take our word for it (and you probably shouldn’t if you’re doing your due diligence). We’re happy to provide references upon request, but we’ve made it even easier for you. Our website (www.mad-media.ca) has a number of testimonials from brands we’ve worked with in the past for you to peruse at your leisure and be sure to review the Recommendations on our CEO’s LinkedIn profile as well.
  4. We’re Cheaper. Now don’t get us wrong, we’re not interns working for free and we do know the value of our time. What we mean here by “cheaper” is: - We work remote from our own homes, so you don’t have to waste precious office space on us. - We provide our own equipment (ie. laptop and Smartphone) so you save money there. - We don’t believe you need a full-time social media marketer to execute your brand. And while others may try to convince you, you do (why wouldn't they want a cushy full-time salary and competitive benefit package?), we are here to tell you - you don’t. You probably need anywhere from 10-40 hours/month to do the job well. And we’re here to negotiate the right price for the right amount of time.
  5. We Come As A Powerful Package Deal. They say it takes a village to raise a child right? Well we say, it takes a #DreamTeam to run social and do a great job of it. Our team is comprised of four talented professionals spread out across North America who collectively offer skills in strategy, copywriting, communication, customer service, graphic design, video production and analytics. Just try and find all of that in one person (let alone in an intern)…. Or don’t bother - because you have us. You deal with one point person to keep things streamlined for you and let us make the magic happen together behind the scenes.

So, with all of this in mind, do you still want to hire an intern?🤷‍♀️....That’s what we thought! How about instead you send us a quick email and we’ll set up a call to discuss more?

#Socialmedia #marketing #publicrelations

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