Full Service Social Media Marketing

10 Shocking Stats About Emojis

Alanna Poole

July 17, 2018

What started in Japan in the late nineties and has taken the world by storm? Well yes--Sailor Moon and Pokémon were quite popular for awhile, but you don’t see too many millenials trading Pokémon cards these days. Out of guesses? It was EMOJIS, and it all started with one little face!🙂

Emojis have become so popular that there is now a day devoted to them (July 17)! In honour of #WorldEmojiDay, we’ve got some wild and shocking stats and marketing tips about these little creatures.👾

1. As of June 2018 there are 2823 emojis supported by the newest version of iOS 11.4 and there are more to come in 2018.

2. The new emojis on the way include redheads, a softball, kangaroo, lobster, and skateboard! (We can’t wait our team includes two red heads 🦁🦁)

3. The 😂 was the most popular emoji up until 2017, but the 🤷‍♀️ has taken over in popularity in the past year.

4. Over 5 million of these little pictures are sent through Facebook messenger each day.😜 Emojis aren't just being used by younger populations; according to one Statisica report over 74 percent of the entire American populations uses emojis in their communication on a daily basis. (You should see my text messages with my Mom…)

5. Clearly emoji enhanced communication is here to stay. According to one study published in Social Neuroscience emojis are actually reshaping our brains.🤯

6. They have changed the way we communicate online. It can be difficult for words on a screen to convey emotion, and that's where Emojis shine. They bring extra meaning to messages, and help ensure that a clear message gets across to the intended audience.

7. Instagram has discovered that when emoji use goes up slang use goes down. (I guess LOL, and ROFL were sooo 2010)!

8. Emojis have hidden meanings! 😱 Be sure you know what your emoji means before you share it or there could be some awkward moments.... Here's a list of hidden meanings for you to read up on.

9. When communicating on social media users are 4X more likely to respond to a message if it contains an emoji. But there can be too much of a good thing. If you go emoji crazy your reply rate will decrease.

10. On Instagram alone, over 50% of all posts and comments include an emoji. These emojis are used to encourage users to share beautiful images, that make us laugh, cry, or just bring out our emotions.

Examples of Emoji Use In Marketing

We have already written a blog on witty ways to use emojis in social media marketing, but that was years ago. Here are a few recent successful emoji ad campaigns for your enjoyment.

Deadpool Advertisement

Durex Condom Ad

Bud Light Tweet

Emoji Marketing Tips

Building emotional connections with your brands audience is vital to a successful social post. People are more likely to interact with a post they connect with and therefore more likely to believe in that product or company. Experimenting is key to determining whether or not emoji communication will work for your brand. It may make you seem more authentic, it could also make you seem less mature so creating a social media strategy prior to writing copy is a good idea. Before you use an emoji it’s important to understand the tone that your brand wants to convey.

If this all seems to out there for you don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.😉 Send us an email and we can start to create a social strategy for you and determine which emojis work well (or don’t) for your brand!💩🙀

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