Full Service Social Media Marketing

Your Quick Guide To Pinterest Advertising

Casey Mathison

October 29, 2018


So you’ve decided Pinterest is a valuable platform for your brand to explore. You’ve created your profile, added in a grabbing description, built a few boards and started pinning. You've noticed a jump in traffic from the platform, and high engagement on your pins, yet conversions aren't where you'd like them to be. Now what?

Now it’s time to invest. It’s time to thoughtfully target your audience.

If you need some convincing, here are some fast facts:

Pinterest users are 47% more likely to be introduced to new brands versus people on social platforms.

75% of content that Pinner save come from businesses and brands.

93% of Pinterest users use the platform to plan purchases, and 72% of Pinners use Pinterest to help them decide what to buy offline.


Convinced? Good. Now…Where do you start?

Step 1: Make sure you have a business account. You’ll need one to run ads, and you’ll also gain access to extra features like analytics and insights on your audience. If you need help to set that up, here is a great guide directly from Pinterest.

Step 2: Make sure the Pinterest tag is installed on your site. What is that? According to the Pinterest team; “The Pinterest tag allows you to track actions people take on your website after viewing your Promoted Pin. You can use this information to measure return on ad spend (RoAS) and create audiences to target on your Promoted Pins.” You’ll need this installed to track the success of your campaign.

Pinterest tag


Step 3: Determine what product or service you want to promote and develop a unique creative that will grab the eye of your target audience. Pinterest ads become part of the Pinterest experience, and integrate into the users feed just like a regular pin, so your creatives will really need to pop.

With that being said, don’t get too flashy or "salesy", the Pinner doesn’t want their Pinterest experience to feel interrupted or spammed.

Here are a few tips to create a high-converting visual:

  • Design your visual in a vertical format, these really stand-out on mobile, and historically perform better because they take out more space than the square pin next to them.
  • The main focal point of your pin should be the product/service your are promoting.
  • Add in some tasteful branding, the Pinner needs to know who is trying to interact with them.
  • Consider video! Pinterest will allow videos of a minimum 4 seconds to a maximum of 30 minutes. We’d recommend sticking to the shorter end.
Pinterest ad examples

Step 4: Develop your messaging and research your audience. Keep your caption short and sweet with keywords (not hashtags, they look spammy) and a strong call-to-action. Your pin should link directly to a page relating to the product/service you are promoting. Make the experience as streamlined and simplified as possible. For example, if you’re selling a consumer packaged good; the link should take the

Pinner directly to the buy now page.

Pinterest ad example
Pinterest ad example

Step 5: Work with Pinterest directly (FO FREE) to set your budget, monitor and continuously optimize your ads. Their team will work directly with you to set-up your ads, and will even offer weekly reporting! They’ve recently rolled out some shiny new advertising tools and now offer one-on-one support, so now is really the time to get involved. Just in time for the holidays.

Happy pinning!

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