Full Service Social Media Marketing

5 Reasons Why Moms Make Great Social Media Managers

Brittany Kolba

June 20, 2022

One of the best things to come about the modern day is that women are not only allowed but encouraged to pursue their career dreams, even alongside parenting. No longer are they forced to choose between family and success, and in this blog, we are going to break down five reasons why moms make great social media managers (who are we kidding, there’s a LOT more than five, but let’s just start with these for now). The next time you’re hiring, pay extra close attention to those who have been managing households, they might be your next best asset...

1. Calendars, Schedules, Efficiency and Organization

It’s no secret that to run a household full of appointments, activities, meetings and events, one has to be organized and be a master at calendar management. Being crafty with a schedule and ensuring everyone is where they need to be at the right time and coordinating rides, availability and child care is tedious but almost never impossible, and doing so efficiently is equally important because as we all know, there are only so many hours in a day. Running multiple client calendars and social media schedules utilizes much of the same skill set. One of our biggest accolades at Marr Media Group is that our clients feel like our only client, meaning, we never miss a meeting (and always come prepared), and are always two steps (or likely two weeks in our case) ahead of schedule so we can ensure nothing gets missed. Like moms, we never want to appear to favour any child (even if we secretly do, ha ha!), and likewise, we never want to favour any of our clients. You are all number one in our books, and we’ll make sure you feel the love!

2. Master of Boundaries

Many of us have gone through a season of life where we are trying to master the art of setting boundaries. Motherhood forces this upon you with a force of a thousand tiny voices. When you choose to start a family, you are also choosing to say no to a lot of things. While some may see this as a sacrifice of freedom, others will welcome it with open arms as mastering boundaries is something many struggle with. Social media can sometimes become a 24/7 job, b

ut it doesn’t need to be. Ensuring important information for a marketing campaign is addressed in a timely manner is definitely a priority as a social media marketer, but answering emails, texts, calls, DM’s, and comments at 11:30pm on a Tuesday is almost never necessary. Being your own boss requires knowing when to call it a day, as does being a mom (usually around 7:30pm when that mega-pint of wine is winking at you from the kitchen!).

3. Managing Personalities

Being a social media manager for multiple clients requires personality management. In one day we can manage a brand marketing life-saving products, a brand selling software that can make or break million-dollar deals, and a family ice cream shop in a vacation town. As you can imagine, these three accounts have three very different contacts behind the scenes and juggling the needs, personalities, and quirks of each business can be a challenge, but one that moms are used to. A mom doesn’t need multiple children to manage multiple personalities. We all have seen a three-year-old go from laughing, to crying, to smashing toys, and back to laughing all within eight minutes. Moms are used to emotional regulation, or, on crazier days one may call it emotional whiplash.

4. Multitasking Pro

While some may assume a social media manager is simply taking cute photos and coming up with creative captions, the job entails so much more than one will ever see. In one day, a social media manager can have sales calls, strategy meetings, analytics reports due, client communications to respond to, ad campaigns to adjust, graphic design pieces to create, training to further their knowledge, and outbound engagement to attend to. You know that whole saying that moms are teachers, taxi drivers, cooks, cleaners, nurses, therapists, mediators and more? That’s where the two worlds of social media management and motherhood collide. It is no challenge for a mom or social media manager to switch gears hour by hour or even minute by minute. It’s something they are not only good at, but they fully expect and champion because it’s just part of the job!

5. Problem Solving and Resilience

When was the last time you spoke with a mom and she said life is going smoothly, everything is just perfect and she is totally stress-free? You either just scoffed and said never, or, you have found yourself a unicorn! Life as a mom is never stress-free. Even if your kids have listened and done everything you have asked of them in a day, the emotional and loving side of you will worry for them. This is no different than with our clients! All our posts could be going viral, sales flying, clients giddy over how their accounts are growing, and yet, as social media managers, we are already busy anticipating what we can dream up next.

Coasting is not a reality in social media. With its ever-changing needs, tools and algorithms, it is our job to be on top of everything to ensure continued growth and success. When you hire a social media manager, know that what you see on the surface is about 10% of the work we put into your account, just like how our kids think we only cook dinner and drive them to sports. We all know that these two positions in life, motherhood and social media management, require work that will never be seen, emotions never surfaced, problems no one will ever know about, and jobs never thanked, but that is why we do this job. We care deeply for our clients, we want to see their success because, just like a proud parent, when you win, we win.

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