Full Service Social Media Marketing

Case Study: How to Double Your Instagram Followers in a Week

Cassie Bratton

October 13, 2020

Yes, you read that correctly! Pick your jaw up off the floor, put your thinking hat on, and let's get down to business.

In this case study, we’ll walk you through our experience with @CoastHomesByRandi and how we brought her follower count from 417 to 718 over the course of five days with just one giveaway.

Source a Killer Giveaway Prize

Thankfully, there was no breaking the bank for this giveaway prize. Randi had this brand new beautiful Kitchen Aid Mixer that she never had the use for! At a $600 value, this high ticket item was bound to drive some engagement. But even if she had to purchase something for this giveaway and it did cost her $600, she would’ve paid $2/follower. Or if you look at this way, $0.30 per impression (as 1,955 people in total saw her brand because of this giveaway - with 71% not following @CoastHomesByRandi at the time). Not bad, not bad at all. That’s less than you pay for a billboard on the highway, and with a follower, you’ve got that audience to get marketing to.

Determine Your Dates

What is the strategy behind the timing of your giveaway? For Randi, we’re starting to move into “slow” season, and had some extra time to focus on marketing efforts. Thanks to Instagram Insights, we knew that her followers were most active on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Not wanting to drag the giveaway past 5 days, we planned the launch for Thursday, and announce the winner at the end of the day on Monday to give it maximum exposure.

Determine Your Audience

Who is your target market? For Randi, we established that we wanted to focus on the Sechelt and surrounding area. She is a powerhouse real estate agent operating out of that area, and for this giveaway, we decided to focus on building her brand with her local community of buyers and sellers. For our next giveaway, we might look at targeting Vancouver buyers who are moving away from the city centre… so that would look a little different. That’s why it’s so important to get clear on this step.

Picking a Relevant Partner

One of the most important steps in a successful giveaway is picking the right partner to work with. Keeping your target market in mind for this one, do your research! You’ll want to pick a partner that has a strong follower count, and an audience that could easily transfer over to yours. We chose @the_seasoned_kitchen. They are local to Sechelt, and sell tools and products for chefs and bakers, along with decor for your dining space and home. A perfect partnership, considering the relevance of our giveaway item to their followers!

instagram analytics

@the_seasoned_kitchen raised the stakes of our giveaway, tossing in an additional $100 gift card to their store.

Note: You don’t have to use a partner in a giveaway, but by collaborating with someone else with a similar target market to yours, you both win bigger and access new audiences!

Creation of the Hashtag Bank

Okay, so now that we had all of our ducks in a row, we built out our hashtag bank! For reference on how to really make your hashtags count, refer to this previous blog post of ours: Why Hashtags Matter and How to Use Them.

As you can see, our hashtags drove 579 people to the post.

instagram analytics

We focused on a location based bank, that looked like this:

#BCGiveaway #WestCoastGiveaway #YVRGiveaway #YVRGiveaways #YVRGiveawayContest #Giveawayyvr #Giveawaycanada #Giveawaysunshinecoast #sunshinecoastGiveaway #gibsons #sunshinecoastbc


Now… the fun stuff! Randi and her friend set up and shoot the weekend before, creating some awesome content that featured her baking (or trying to…) with her adorable family and the KitchenAid Mixer front and centre.

Ready to Launch!

Can I get a “Wooohoo”!? All of our hard work was about to pay off. We compiled everything we had prepared and drafted your post. We created some exciting copy and listed out our rules so they were super clear and easy to follow. (Remember: people are lazy! Make it simple.)

Here is our template (which you can steal and use!):

G I V E A W A Y!! [insert catchy line]

Enter to win this [insert prize], valued at [insert value] AND a [if applicable, insert second prize/value]

How to enter: ⠀

1. Make sure you are following me [insert your account handle] and [insert partners account handle] (I'll be checking to make sure the winner is following both!) ⠀

2. Tag a friend in the comments (1 tag = one entry, unlimited entries!) ⠀

Winner will be announced on [insert date]! ⠀

Ready, GO! 🏁 ⠀

[insert parameters of giveaway, ex. *Pick-up on the sunshine coast*]

. ⠀

. ⠀

. ⠀

. ⠀

. ⠀

. ⠀

[insert hashtag bank]


Based on @CoastHomesByRandi organic growth that we’ve seen over the past three months, an increase of this size in her follower base would have taken about 5 months. Now, Randi is hopping into “slow season” with a 47% increase in followers, that’s over 300 new people that she can market to.

Need help with a giveaway like this and someone to manage your social media? Book a free consultation with us, contact us here.

“I've done a giveaway before on my own but it didn't have NEAR the traction that this one did with Marr Media putting it together! I've been struggling to get more qualified followers (importance placed on local) and this giveaway more than doubled my number of followers.” - @CoastHomesByRandi

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