Full Service Social Media Marketing

Facebook Business Manager 101

Kaiya Sjoholm

September 22, 2020

With all the different business tools on Facebook, it can easily become confusing and quite frankly, a little overwhelming. Facebook’s Business Manager can look a little technical at first, but it really is straightforward to set up and here, we’re going to walk you through the why’s and how’s of using it.

So, what is Facebook’s Business Manager?

In short, it’s how you manage your Facebook advertising. It’s a one stop shop where you can manage ad campaigns, your Pages, connect with agencies, and utilize in-depth features like setting up re-marketing pixels or adjusting custom attribution windows for your Facebook Ads. In addition, you can also manage your billing, events, create product catalogues, store media (images and videos) and review brand safety concerns. Being able to manage all of these features from one place is so much easier than having to bounce between different tabs and windows.

Why should you use Facebook Business Manager?

Well, there are a number of reasons, but we’ll focus on the main ones.

Reason 1: You can manage ad campaigns

With a Facebook Page, you’re able to boost posts, but you can’t go further than that. By utilizing the Facebook Business Manager, you’ll be able to set more sophisticated objectives, have in-depth tracking, as well as compare audience performance and creative.

Reason 2: You’ll get the most out of your advertising

In 2018, Facebook started making the Business Manager mandatory for all accounts using custom audiences created from email lists. By utilizing custom audiences created from email lists, you can nurture leads or get customers to make a repeat purchase. Additionally, your lists of warm audiences can be excluded from cold traffic prospecting campaigns.

Reason 3: You’ll get better support from Facebook

If you ever have a technical issue with Facebook Business tools, they’ll likely ask if you’re using Business Manager. Like we mentioned above, there are a multitude of assets and tools, some of which need to integrate with each other to work properly. Unless you’re using their recommended tools, they likely won’t be able to offer in-depth help.

Reason 4: It’s more secure

Having all of your assets, employees, and agencies in one place makes it easier to make necessary changes quickly to ensure only the right people have the correct levels of access. Our suggestion, have two employees in charge of Facebook Business Manager. Facebook Business Manager also includes a Security Centre where you can require two-factor authentication.

Now, how do you set up Facebook Business Manager?

Setting up a Facebook Business Manager is relatively simple and Facebook offers lots of walk-throughs and support, but we’ve included the basic step-by-step instructions below:

Creating a Business Manager:

*You’ll need a personal Facebook account to create a Facebook Business Manager.

  1. Go to business.facebook.com/overview.
  2. Click Create Account.
  3. Enter a name for your business, your name and work email address and click Next.
  4. Enter your business details and click Submit.

Once you’ve created your Business Manager, you’ll need to Add a Page to your Business Manager.

To add a Page to your Business Manager:

  1. Go to Business Settings. It looks like a gear icon in your sidebar.
  2. In the Business Assets section, click Accounts. Then, click Pages.
  3. Click Add in the dropdown menu.
  4. Select Add a Page.
  5. Enter the Facebook Page name or URL.
  6. Click Add Page. You should see your Page on the next screen. From here, you can add people to manage this Page.

Add People to your Business Manager:

  1. Go to Business Settings.
  2. Click People.
  3. Click + Add.
  4. Enter the work email address of the person you want to add.
  5. Select the role you’d like to assign them. Be sure to read the description for each role. Choose either Employee access or Admin access. You can also select Show Advanced Options to choose Finance analyst or Finance editor.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Choose a type of asset in the first column, then select the individual assets you want to add this person to in the second column. In the third column, toggle on each task you’d like to grant them. Or, toggle on admin access to allow them to manage the asset and perform all available tasks. You can add people to multiple assets on this screen by repeating this step.
  8. Click Invite.

You can find more step by step instructions and walkthroughs by visiting: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1710077379203657?id=180505742745347

So whether you’re a business owner managing all of your social, you have employees or an agency to help, a Facebook Business Manager can help ensure you have the right tools connected to efficiently and securely manage your Business. Have a question about Facebook Business Manager we didn’t answer, reach out to us at hello@marrmediagroup.com we’d be happy to help!

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