Full Service Social Media Marketing

The Best Holiday Campaigns of 2016 - Must See!

Michelle Zaporojets

December 19, 2016

social media holiday campaigns 2016

The holidays are upon us - Christmas is literally days away! Though there is likely a lot of stress in your world (sorting through gift guides, venturing out into the holiday shopping crowds, and making last-minute family plans), don't forget that this time of year is really about all cheer! Decorations are sparkly, presents are plentiful and the egg nog is niiiiice and stiff. Even this year's best holiday campaigns can bring the grumpiest of grinches joy (and a LOT of laughter). I've been busy cramming in some last minute holiday work before Christmas and have come across some truly fantastic holiday campaigns. Here are some of my favourites:

H&M: Come Together

I have to say, H&M NAILED this commercial - if you can even call it a commercial! I mean, who wouldn't want a mini Wes Anderson short popping up on their TV? In just three and a half minutes, H&M tells the story of a train conductor who quickly creates a fantastic Christmas morning for his passengers after their train is delayed due to weather conditions - allowing them to "come together" and celebrate the joyous holiday even though they're unable to be with their families.

What I love about this campaign is that H&M chose to not explicitly advertise their brand. In fact, if I had seen this on TV, I wouldn't know this was an H&M commercial until the very end! Also, the fact that it's directed by Wes Anderson makes my heart (and eyes) so happy.

Kate Spade: The Waiting Game (ft. Anna Kendrick)

Okay - as an Anna Kendrick fangirl, you can safely assume that I'm obsessed with this commercial. Her light-hearted, go-with-the-flow attitude as she sits, sings and gets ultra-creative while getting locked out of her apartment undoubtedly has us wanting to BE her (or maybe it's just me). Not only does her style and sass remind us to chill out, but tells us to make the most of every mishap (because nobody's perfect!).

Umm... and how about that adorable dog of hers?

Heathrow Airport: #ComingHome

This one hits us right in the feels. These two adorable, grandparent bears are the epitome of what everyone goes through while traveling during the holidays - from long airplane flights, to waiting (and hardcore struggling) at baggage claim. It's an incredibly stressful process, but these two Godiva bears remind us that it's all worth it in the end for that moment at arrivals at Heathrow airport. (Fun fact: Holiday movie Love Actually also romanticizes those moments at that very same airport over this season.)

How badly are you craving a hug from G-ma now?

Xfinity: Hooking Up Grandma's House

I'll admit - at first glance of this title, I was very confused as to what this ad would entail. "Hooking Up Grandma's House"... there's something suggestive there, no? But I guess that's what gets us.

Anyways. The sad truth is, grandma's house is probably not that exciting when there's no TV or wifi. Xfinity really got creative with that idea for their holiday campaign this year by combining elders reading hostile tweets from their grandchildren (Jimmy Kimmel anyone?), and well, getting their shit together by tricking themselves out with Xfinity. Because let's be real, the holidays wouldn't be complete without a Christmas movie... or five.

What were your favourite holiday campaigns this year? Tweet us at @media_mad and let us know!

Happy Holidays from the Mad Media team!

#holiday #christmas #campaigns #roundup #hm #katespade #heathrow #xfinity #socialmedia #marketing

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