Full Service Social Media Marketing

How to Start Your Career in Social Media Marketing

Rylea Arnold

December 20, 2022

Did you know there are 4.74 BILLION people on social media worldwide? That’s 59% of the total population! And in the last 12 months, 1.9 billion people joined social media for the first time. You might think that, as a society, we’re collectively becoming lazy TikTok-addicted phone users. But the thing is, now more than EVER, people aren’t just joining for entertainment.

They are joining to research brands, compare businesses and decide where to spend their dollars. Social media has allowed consumers to fully understand a business before walking through the doors.

As you can imagine, that’s pretty daunting for business owners.

That’s where Social Media Managers come in and why it’s becoming such a high-demand job! However, there’s no degree or diploma in social media management… yet. This makes it pretty tricky for aspiring Social Media Marketers to land a job if they don't have an “in.”

In saying that, we’ve got a few tips to help YOU start your career in social media marketing!

  1. Immerse yourself in social media culture: This is critical! Hone in on your own social media presence, network with social media managers, and grow experience-based knowledge through trial and error! Proof of social media success (even your own) and in-depth platform knowledge increases your chances of landing experience-based opportunities. Live and breath social media!
  2. #StayCurious. Use free resources and tools: At Marr Media Group, formal schooling isn’t a requirement, but we LOVE to see if our applicants have taken any initiative in their learning and development. Fill in skill gaps and learn about specific topics with simple online courses or even Google searches. (Some of our favourite classes are from Skillshare!) Cultivate a passion for social media that inspires you to keep learning! Without passion, you’ll fail. Social media isn’t an easy industry! You’ve got to keep your head down and keep learning.
  3. Understand each platform: Social media constantly evolves, and new specialties/niches emerge. Before choosing your niche, give yourself a chance to become well-rounded on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and Twitter. Having a specialty enhances your value, but overall knowledge enhances your credibility.
  4. Consider an internship: Internships are a great way to gain hands-on experience as a social media manager and learn from seasoned industry professionals. (You may feel like the coffee-run person, but today most of these roles are remote!) Don’t be afraid to work with brands for trades. (Or dare we say free!) A lot of internships also offer room for growth. You may start as an intern and eventually work your way up to managing brands independently!

Now that you have these tips and we know you’re passionate, get out there and take the first steps. It’s possible to land a role without experience as long as you hone the right skills and enthusiasm to keep learning!

Take a look at a few of our team members and their journey to Social Media Marketing.

Jamie, one of our Brand Experience Managers, is an example. They started in Public Relations, and as their career grew, they became interested in digital advertising and telling a brand story. Without further training but with plenty of experience, she was able to shift her career toward Digital Marketing!

Gabrielle, our Lead Brand Experience Manager, started running her dance studio's social media before even realizing it was a career! After high school, she pursued a bachelor’s degree in Communications at McMaster University. Upon graduation, she got a content creation job for a local business support centre in her hometown, where she realized this was something she could do full-time.

Rylea, our Social Coordinator, started her career in digital marketing through her hairstyling career. After years of growing her clientele through social media, she realized she enjoyed the marketing side of her career. Rylea took on her salon's social media platforms and managed a local spa's digital marketing before landing at Marr Media Group.

Sasha, one of our Brand Experience Managers, started working in fashion, and agencies taught her how to grow social media and promote herself. This sparked her interest in Digital Marketing, and she continued to grow her online presence. She eventually started a blog and became an influencer! Soon after, she realized she could use these skills and become a social media manager.

Tessa, CEO and Founder of Marr Media Group, started with a business degree and a natural aptitude for marketing. She worked as a bookkeeper and then admin for WestJet Airlines. Surprisingly she went on to become a flight attendant and started a travel blog. In 2012, she noticed how businesses were winning her through social media. She decided she wanted to help other businesses do the same. That's when her Twitter account "Gluten Free Calgary" was born! After three years, Tessa had a community of over 30,000 people and ultimately sold GFYYC as a business. After that, she decided to attend a social media conference and found herself right at home. Confident in her knowledge, Tessa began taking clients of her own. And here she is now, running an agency of 15 people and has worked with over 100 different brands in the last eight years!

As you can tell, Tessa is passionate about providing others with the opportunity to work in social media in a remote, flexible way that serves them creatively and helps their clients grow.

We are currently building some pretty cool things behind the scenes that are designed to help YOU get started in a career in social media marketing.

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