Full Service Social Media Marketing

Influencer Marketing Makes A Big Impact For Four Businesses In This Tourist Destination

Tessa-May Marr

June 22, 2022

With the digital space being fiercely competitive, businesses of all sizes have found themselves needing an alternate approach to build a solid sense of trust from their consumers. One of the most effective ways to do that?

Influencer marketing.

While many business owners imagine that influencers prefer to communicate directly with them, the reality is that finding and negotiating dozens, sometimes hundreds of influencers simultaneously (and keeping them happy!) is a massive job.

Diana Stirling, Owner/Operator of four diverse tourist destinations in Penticton, BC came to us with exactly that problem. Or should we say–opportunity? In a small city, it’s somewhat easy to make sure locals know about you–but what about tourists who research and plan their summer trips before they arrive and don’t know what they want to hit up? To reach the out-of-towners and vacationers (which for Diana represents about 92% of her business) she knew she needed a tailored and unique influencer campaign, but first came the strategy.

Diana has a keen sense for business and an incredible willingness to trust the experts and try something new so with a moderate budget, we set out to bring in 25 influencers that fit our target profile throughout the summer of 2021.

We did that by assessing and recognizing that her target market was mostly from other cities in British Columbia and Alberta (Vancouver, Kelowna, Kamloops, Calgary, and more) and we knew we needed to focus on influencers with a real and raw audience within those areas. Each destination targets families with both younger and teenage children so to ensure the collaborations were perfectly on-brand for each respective destination, we had to identify key influencers whose regular content was relatable to each. From family and kid adventure fun to Gen Z Tiktok-worthy vibes… we wanted to ensure each location was upheld with the utmost authenticity! Once we established these key participants, we pulled a trigger on a unique strategy that connected us with our ideal list of ambassadors, and in the most personable way possible.

The job of the influencers was to create compelling, beautiful, and true-to-you content to share on their own feeds and stories, direct from their own experience, that would give their audiences an inside look. In exchange, we offered to cover their entire experience for their entire family or friends. It was that simple!

Now, simple most definitely does not mean easy. Influencer marketing requires the highest level of organization, extensive time spent researching, vetting, communicating, and negotiating with potential influencers as well as post-campaign management in order to aggregate their data and insights. We always want to demonstrate the results and effectiveness of the campaign.

And that we did!

With a $2,000 budget, we were able to reach 200 key targets and overall, turn 20 of them into loyal ambassadors for the four brands in two months. As for the content reach of these 20 individuals on Instagram only, their posts were saved 260 times, shared 130 times, gained close to 40,000 impressions and reached an estimated total of 25,000 accounts in our target regions. Their posts were liked by 3927 accounts and received 265 comments.

Overall, each impression for this campaign cost $0.06!

"Marr Media manages our influencer marketing for our 4 consumer brands. Marr has an innovative, straight forward & structured approach to influencer marketing that has continued to deliver us a strong ROI. They discovered new and relevant influencers that we wouldn’t have identified and managed the entire process including holding the influencers accountable post-visit. They identify the right influencers and how to connect them with our brands, creating authentic & engaging content for us. We simply couldn't produce this level of content & engagement without using influencer marketing through Marr Media. And the Cherry on Top is that the team at Marr Media are fantastic to work with - very professional, very efficient, incredibly fun AND they care. They are very much a part of our team."

Since last year’s results served us so well, we set out with a very similar strategy for 2022, but we doubled down on our number of participants and allotted budget. It was an easy recommendation to make after we had the results to prove the impact.

We know, and Diana knows, that the right influencers are a key piece to a successful marketing strategy in 2022. Not only for her businesses but for the culture of her customer base. And it’s proven that influencer marketing provides an excellent ROI for her when utilized! We are so thrilled to be working with Diana for another year and look forward to many more years of supporting her with influencer connections and beyond.

Headed to Penticton this summer? Be sure to visit these hot spots:

LocoLanding Adventure Park - an amusement park for the whole family!

Cherry On Top Shake Shop - Home of the Crazy Shakes!

Lickity Splitz - ice cream your kiddos will drool over!

Coyote Cruises - float the famous channel in style!

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