Full Service Social Media Marketing

Introducing... "Getting Started With Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Course for Beginners!"

Casey Mathison

February 17, 2022

The power of advertising has been proven–especially since the dawn of the pandemic. Businesses have moved online (whether they wanted to or not) and the rest of us have found ourselves endlessly scrolling much more than usual with in-person interactions suspended for a larger part of the last two years. But no matter what platform you’re scrolling on, we guarantee you, you’re consuming ads.

E-commerce sales jumped nearly 32 percent in 2020 compared to the prior year and increased even further in 2021. A huge 91% of marketing organizations now use social media as part of their mix, tying with digital ads as the most commonly used channel across the sector.

The proof is in the pudding people, get online and sell! It is the place to be and you’re missing a great party if you’re not there.

In early 2021, we launched what we call the “Ads Only” program. This was meant to extend our support beyond just those that could afford or had a need for fully outsourced social media services (our core service offering) and step in just to support with paid ads. This program is great for businesses that have a budget to make an impact and we can help get you the real results you are after, whether that’s a larger following, growing your email list, or selling directly through social networks. We heard great feedback from our clients…

“Working with Marr Media was one of the most complimentary decisions I have made for my business. Not only are they wonderful people, the increase in my page follows, likes, interactions and returns on song likes increased over 50% in all areas they helped with. I couldn’t be more grateful for the hand-holding and assistance they gave me with my socials,” Justine Lynn, country music artist.

"I met Tessa and once she told me about her ads only program, I joined immediately and am so glad I did. We’ve had tremendous results for FB page likes @ $0.09/like and with our quiz lead magnet at $0.30/lead. I highly recommend Tessa and her team to anyone thinking of running FB ads and have heard they don’t work. They do! Sign with Tessa’s team today - run, don’t walk,” Kim Woods, Spiritual Leader & Transformation Specialist.

“I've done ads before on my own but it didn't have NEAR the traction that this one did with Marr Media putting it together! I've been struggling to get more qualified followers (importance placed on local) and this giveaway more than doubled my number of followers,” Randi Thomas, Realtor.

But we found there were still businesses that didn’t have the budgets we required. An agency solution was still not a fit for them. And yet, we could see how powerful ads could potentially be for them! So we went to work to put together a solution that could help this group as well…

Introducing our new online program…

Getting Started With Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Course for Beginners!

We talk to business owners all the time who are missing out on the opportunities Facebook ads can offer. Utilizing them can make a HUGE impact on a business–large or small–and we wanted to find more ways to make this impact accessible to more businesses out there.

In less than one hour, you will learn how to reach your target audience and convert them into customers. This course will cover a TON of important topics including:

  • Setting up a Facebook Business Manager
  • Setting up a Facebook Ads Account
  • How to determine which type of campaigns you should be running
  • Audience set up and segmentation
  • How to track and analyze your results
  • Writing compelling copy that converts
  • How to choose the best creative for your campaign

We’ve even added in some extras like CPR (cost per result) benchmarks, ongoing management tips, and common terms that you should be familiar with.

So, what are you waiting for?! Register today and get started with Facebook Advertising!

Register Now!

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