Full Service Social Media Marketing

Our BIG Year in Review: 2021

Alli Murphy

January 17, 2022

If you’re not growing you’re dying, right?

Well 2021, we ain’t mad at you; the world may have been on fire but so were we at Marr Media Group. Last year, amidst year two of the pandemic, we grew across the board - both internally and externally. We tripled both our revenue and our team size, and with our thriving and unique culture, 2021 was full of challenges, surprises and a ton of fun. Let’s go through a couple of highlights…

We launched a new Organizational Structure complete with a full Leadership Team to help steer this next phase of our growth. Please join us in congratulating these accomplished professionals on their new positions!

From Left to Right: Chief Executive Officer - Tessa May Marr, Chief Creative Officer - Casey Mathison, Chief of Staff - Cheyanne Ackerson, Director of Finance & Administration - Alli Rae Murphy, Director of Projects & Innovation - coming soon!, Lead BEM - Madison Charney

Our Leadership Team consists of three fierce mamas, an Olympic Hopeful, and of course our fearless leader Tessa May Marr who’s always somewhere new. As you can imagine we all have varied schedules, and Marr Media Group continues to support that by allowing us to #WorkFreely to optimize our time for success. We participated in our first annual Leadership Summit last fall and out of it came big ideas and even bigger programs. As our CEO always says, “Let’s find a way to YES” and that we did.

From January to December we hired on three separate occasions bringing on a total of nine new and incredible Team Members we now can’t picture life without.

For our Brand Experience Managers (BEM’s), who we recognize as the essence of our machine working on the front line with our clients every day, we launched a few new programs to ensure they are supported and able to excel in their roles. We now offer Learning and Development hours to ensure we all continue to #StayCurious with the ever-changing world of social media. Each and every one of our BEM’s brings so much unique talent to the… Zoom room (if you will) that it inspired us to roll out the new “Badge Program” recognizing these specializations. From Ads to Design to Influencer Marketing, these specialties allow us to #CollaborateAndConnect as a Team utilizing our greatest strengths and recognizing that we all have different skills and perspectives. (Check out our About page to see who’s got what!). We also put in place flex hours and some shiny new tools & technology to help them work efficiently and effectively. And, to further encourage their professional growth, they all have the opportunity to contribute to corporate direction with special projects if they so choose.

And with our new organizational structure operating in full force, our CEO was able to take a full month off in Mexico to relax and recharge with the peace of mind knowing Marr Media Group would be operating business as usual. (Well deserved after the busy few years it’s been!) Vacations are mandatory here at Marr Media Group, and unlimited as well.

After such substantial growth, we now have a waitlist for outsourced Social Media Marketing services (so if you’re interested, you better get on the list!). We identified some new opportunities and took the initiative to release two new service offerings: Ads Only Program and Influencer Marketing, and have more coming in 2022… stay tuned. We #MakeShitHappen around here.

Last spring, we were recognized for our aptitude to #KeepItCreative and won the 2021 ILEA Espirit award in the category “Best Marketing and Design Collateral” for our work with #DriveThruGrad2020YYC. We pulled this event off with little time and no budget and were able to make difference in the lives of the Graduating Class of 2020. Click here for a bit more detail!

Last but certainly not the least, we went to the Olympics Trials. Well, our logo did; we sponsored our very own Olympic Hopeful Madison Charney.

While we were busy growing, we still maintained a big focus on the importance of connection and face time for our team’s mental health. We hosted multiple in-person Pop-Up Offices in various locations across the country, we flew Team Members out for face time with Leadership when needed, and consistently hosted our monthly virtual Team Happy Hours (a team fave!). And when Delta tried to ruin our Annual Retreat plans… we yelled “PIVOT!” like Ross and that couch and planned an incredible, Virtual Team Building Day.

We even brought in an in-house Counsellor for our Team to utilize at no cost to them and a complimentary virtual yoga membership to Shift at Home. Marr Media Group is more than just a workplace, it’s a family. And #WeGiveADamn.

We will never forget 2021 for so many reasons. Here at Marr Media Group, we believe in looking forward. We believe in celebrating success with our clients, our team, our families, and our community. For all the challenges, 2021 made us stronger, more connected, and more impactful.

They say if you’re not growing you’re dying right? Then we must be pretty f***ing alive.

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