Full Service Social Media Marketing

Our New All-Female Leadership Team

Tessa May Marr

June 1, 2022

With growth comes a need for more structure and leadership within our organization and over the last six months, I’ve built a leadership team that I am incredibly proud of and excited to announce. In true Marr Media fashion, we've done something a little bit unique--our leadership team is all female.

In a recent podcast I listened to featuring our partner, Ada Slivinski of JamPR, she commented on the impressive agility that moms bring to the table, and I will say, as many of these leaders are mothers, I can see strong qualities of discernment, prioritization and empathy shine through.

So let’s get to it–let’s meet them all.

Casey Mathison has been part of this organization and by my side for nearly eight years now–since the inception of the company. Because of this, she knows the ins and out’s of our values, our processes, our clients, and our secret to success better than anyone else. Casey is a leader that is passionate about the success of her team and is committed to ensuring all of our Brand Experience Managers are mentored, challenged, and given ample opportunities to grow and succeed. As our Chief Creative Officer, she is also responsible to ensure our clients receive the five-star service they are accustomed to. She is an incredibly creative individual, as a certified graphic designer, and will ensure all the work we do at Marr Media Group is infused with the highest level of creativity. I’m so proud of how far she has come since hiring her as a Junior Graphic Designer so many years ago, right out of school.

Her leadership philosophy is: Leadership is an action, not a position. It’s not about the glory or the job title. It’s about creating more leaders, not followers, and cultivating a team who knows their full potential.

Cheyanne Brown started to add value from the moment she came into our world. It was during her initial interview that she educated me about the Entrepreneurial Operating System, and has championed its implementation since she officially started working with us as a Brand Experience Manager. That system has served as a complete game-changer for our business and I attribute a large part of our growth and success to this implementation. We welcomed her back from maternity leave this spring to fulfill the role of Chief of Staff, leading the charge in human resources, team engagement, events, partner relationships, and acting as our EOS integrator. I am so excited to reach new levels of sophistication with her contributions to our team.

Her leadership philosophy is: Kindness goes farther than you know. As leaders, it is our duty to show empathy and to show up authentically. Not just for our team, but for ourselves as well.

Allison Murphy has been working with Marr Media Group as a part-time contractor for a few years now, managing our bookkeeping requirements. This fall, she stepped into a larger role on our leadership team as Director of Finance and Administration. She has already proven to be an incredible asset to our team, ensuring our financial strategy is as effective as possible. She is an incredibly steady and reliable force within our team and ensures no details are overlooked. She’s committed to ensuring the company remains financially viable and able to serve our clients and provide for our team as we grow.

Her leadership philosophy is: Do what you say you're going to do. Integrity breeds both results and trust; these are essential for creating connections.

Madison Charney joined Marr Media Group just 18 months ago and was promoted to Lead Brand Experience Manager last fall. With her background as a Team Canada Skeleton athlete, she possesses natural leadership qualities and is ready to rise. She has an incredible ability to ideate and has some big ideas for where we can go next. It is those skills and more that make her the perfect fit for the role of Director of Programs and Innovation. Within this role, she’ll champion new service offerings and projects that can support our growth and provide new opportunities for current and future clients, as well as our team.

Her leadership philosophy is: Always be open to opportunity. You never know what gifts the universe will place within your reach.

This year, we set out to focus on sophistication. With this new leadership team in place, I am confident that the big goals we have for 2022 and beyond are well within our grasp. We are committed to ensuring the unparalleled personal attention you have all felt as our valued clients over the years remains and that we surprise, delight, and succeed with what's still to come.

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