Full Service Social Media Marketing

So 2020 wasn't a complete dumpster fire after all...

Cheyanne Ackerson

January 25, 2021

2020 was a year we will never forget. Of course, it came with challenges and its fair share of twists and turns, but we are SO proud of how we showed up and what we were able to accomplish - not just for us as an organization, but for our community and everyone we work with.

We supported our clients through some trying times and became more connected as a team despite going through a full year without hugging one another (we miss hugs!!). We hit some lows, but also hit some of our highest highs, and can confidently say this was Marr Media Group’s biggest year yet.

But...most importantly, we came out of 2020 stronger, more resilient, and ready to tackle this new year with an open mind and heart.

Join us for a trip down memory lane...


  • We implemented and launched the EOS Process (and wow has it ever been successful)
  • Updated our values to include #WeGiveADamn
  • Documented all of our processes


  • Expanded our partner network to include 30 brilliant businesses who help leads and clients when we can’t


  • We sponsored our very first event and saw our logo right next to the Fairmont!
  • Sent Michele Romanow a custom Marr Media Group jacket (photo!)
  • COVID hit and we supported our clients as their businesses shifted


  • Released resources to help businesses struggling during COVID, such as this blog
  • We launched free product photography as an initiative to give back to small businesses




  • Our company turned SIX
  • Moved to a new social media software that provides so many benefits and features for us and our clients (we love Loomly!)
  • Started using Monday.com to keep us even more organized and efficient (especially as a virtual team!)



  • Launched our white label program where agencies can plug our service offerings into theirs to provide even more value back to their clients
  • We hosted our first virtual retreat
  • We doubled Instagram followers for one lucky client with a single giveaway



  • Worked event social for Futurist Conference 2020 - all virtual of course!
  • Started working with the State of New Hampshire on a really important health-related campaign - honoured to be a part of it
  • Stopped accepting new clients until Feb 2021 - we were just too full!


So, as you can see 2020 wasn't a complete disaster and we are beyond grateful for our community.

We just wanted to say THANK YOU. Thank you to all of our Marr Media supporters: our clients, partners, friends, family, and our social media community. We could not do what we do without you.

As we close out the first month of the year, we are inspired, excited, invigorated, and so beyond ready to take the rest of 2021 by storm!

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