Full Service Social Media Marketing

Supercharge Your Business with the Power of Social Media Advertising

Tessa-May Marr

June 7, 2023

Picture this: You've poured your heart and soul into your business venture, creating unique products or services that deserve recognition. But here's the catch: How can the world discover your offerings if they remain hidden in the shadows?

Enter advertising, the ultimate marketing superhero.

Running ads has become an essential ingredient for business success. Firstly, advertisements are crucial in boosting brand awareness by reaching a wider audience and increasing your business's visibility. They serve as a platform to showcase your products or services, convey your unique value proposition, and create a lasting impression on potential customers. Secondly, effective ads can drive conversions and propel sales growth. By capturing your target audience's attention, ads can generate leads, inspire action, and translate into tangible business outcomes.

As experts in the digital marketing realm, Marr Media Group takes pride in our exceptional ability to create highly effective and impactful ads that drive outstanding results for our clients. Our team deeply understands the digital landscape and crafting targeted campaigns.

First and foremost, we dedicate ourselves to thoroughly researching and comprehending our clients' businesses, target audiences, and objectives. This knowledge serves as the foundation for our tailored ad strategies, allowing us to create compelling campaigns that resonate with the intended audience. Our team combines captivating visuals, persuasive copy, and strategic ad placement to ensure that every ad we produce delivers a powerful impact. Through continuous monitoring and analysis, we fine-tune and optimize campaigns to achieve maximum performance and measurable results.

Because most of the clients we work with outsource their organic social media marketing to us as well, we have a leg up in understanding the content, messaging, and CTA’s that work best and are able to marry the paid and organic strategies together to achieve ultimate success with their marketing goals. To do this, we utilize a comprehensive arsenal of tools and tactics that map back to the overall marketing funnel unique to each business. And by harnessing the power of data analytics and advanced targeting capabilities, we maximize ad performance and deliver exceptional returns on investment for our clients.

Let’s take a look at some of these strategic campaigns and the impressive results we’ve been seeing lately!

Grow Your Audience

For this client, one of our goals was to grow the size of their audience, in particular targeting new, top-of-funnel potential customers. This provides the brand with clout and more importantly, these followers can be nurtured and eventually converted. In this campaign, we focused on driving new likes to their Facebook Page and what started from scratch today has an audience of over 40,000 followers that map directly to who their target market is.

Here’s another example of a Page Likes campaign we have been running for two years now, and we’re thrilled to see the Cost Per Result as low as $0.22.

But it gets even better…. For a third client, we have been able to maintain a CPR of only $0.06! The client is thrilled, and so is our Brand Experience Manager running them (we all get a little competitive with our ad results!). When we hit strong CPRs like this, we almost always advise our clients to increase their budgets because why not hit your targets faster?!

Build Your Email List

So, Page Likes are a great way to target the top of the funnel, but ultimately, we want to continuously move leads closer to conversion, where they translate to revenue. Social media is not always the best place to make a sale, depending on the target market, the price point of the product or service, etc. So we have to ask ourselves, how can we make a real impact on the funnel?

A great strategy for doing so is growing a targeted email list. Traditionally, email converts at a much higher rate than social media, so hey–we’re not ego-driven–let’s send them over there to continue their journey. We almost always run these types of campaigns for clients, generally structured as a giveaway, and the results have been outstanding!

Here you’ll see a few examples with exceptional CPRs, all below $1 and many below $0.25. And look at how many leads we’ve been able to drive! But the top-performing campaign we want to highlight here was a recent one. You’ll see that not only have we driven over 58,000 leads, but the campaign also drove $36,000 in revenue! Being that the campaign investment was $25,000 total, that means the client actually paid nothing for those leads AND made additional money without even trying to. They were SO impressed!

Sell Your Product or Service

And what about conversions?

The best part of running ads for e-commerce brands, anyway, is you can track and measure direct ROI (Return on Investment). When you have all the other campaigns working to warm up your funnel, you can hit it home with a conversion campaign that drives direct sales. ”They” say a strong ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) is about 4. We can do a lot better. Our proven strategy here ensures we are maximizing ROAS for our clients, and they love us for that! Take a peek at some of these numbers!

Social Media Advertising Makes A Huge Difference

Whatever your social media advertising goals are, whether it's to drive more sales, capture better leads, or even just have more people like your LinkedIn page, we can help you! We are committed to helping businesses thrive through personalized and impactful ad campaigns. We know how important it is to connect with your audience on a deeper level, and our approach revolves around creating meaningful connections that drive real results. We have witnessed firsthand how thoughtful and tailored ad campaigns have resulted in impressive conversions for our clients and the bottom line of their businesses.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to boost your business with effective ad campaigns. Contact us today, and let's start creating ads that will captivate your audience and drive meaningful results.

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