Full Service Social Media Marketing

Social Connect: A Platform for Small Businesses and Social Media Creatives

Tessa-May Marr

February 27, 2023

Our Mission: Creating Connections Between Small Businesses and Social Media Experts

Social Connect was born out of a need I saw in the market. As our agency grew, we found that we were working primarily with mid-sized or larger companies, leaving small businesses without a suitable option. We tried offering social media training to small business owners, but found that they didn't want to learn social media themselves - they wanted to focus on running their business and hire that part out. At the same time, we noticed a trend in job postings where candidates lacked experience and credibility in social media. They asked, "Where do I get this experience?" There was no degree in social media to give them a leg up in the field.

Serving Two Distinct Audiences: Brands & Businesses and Social Media Marketers

Enter Social Connect. Our software-based solution caters to two distinct audiences: Brands & Businesses and Social Media Marketers. Brands & Businesses are small business owners or solo entrepreneurs who need support with social media but have limited time and budget. Social Media Marketers are aspiring social media professionals who are eager to get hands-on experience and knowledge but lack the opportunity to do so.

The Solution: Connecting Brands & Businesses and Social Media Marketers Through Social Connect

Social Connect allows both Brands & Businesses and Social Media Marketers to search for each other based on specific parameters such as time commitment, fees, special skills, and location. Once a match is made, a qualifying conversation takes place, and they can officially Connect. Connected Subscribers then gain access to our premier scheduling software and a library of resources, templates, and tools to use.

They’re calling Social Connect the "Tinder of social media marketing," and we couldn't be more excited about it. We've put a lot of love into this venture over the past year and we're grateful for everyone who has contributed along the way. This is only the beginning and we have many ideas to add more value for Brands and Creatives through Social Connect, so stay tuned.

Visit social-connect.me to find out more about this new venture and follow us on Instagram for updates.
